Monday 28 May 2012

It's a Girl's Game Vol.2... Winners and Sinners

Here is a snippet of one of the chapters of my upcoming 2nd novel in the It's a Girl's Game series, which is entitled Winners and Sinners.....

“Might as well go straight in Roxy’s” said Gemma, who was squished in the middle of the back of the mini cab.

“Whatever, babe” purred Nikki from the front passenger seat.

The cab ground to a halt on the main road, just along from Roxy’s. The girls in the back shuffled out, and Nikki paid the driver with the handful of pound coins they’d scraped together. 

“Oooff!” grunted Becky as she pulled herself out of the back drivers’ side door, flashing a blue Primark thong as her overly tight stressed leggings slipped down at the back. “Tell yer what girls, I could murder a burger right now!”

“You ‘ungry babe,” said Gemma, “we can go down the road an’ get ya one ‘fore we go up.”

“Yeah, bloody starvin’!” boomed the northern lass.

Nikki had a number of comments about Becky’s weight right on the tip of her tongue, but decided to keep them to herself.

The four of them ambled down to the nearest burger and kebab shop and Becky ordered a double cheeseburger and a box of cheesy chips. She squirted way too much tomato ketchup all over the chips, and then squirted it all over the burger as well. Next came the mayonnaise, followed by the mustard. Her box of pre-club grease-grub looked very unappetising to the other girls.

“Looks delightful, Bex” muttered Nikki, turning up her nose as Becky tucked into the colourful mess in the box.

“Ooh, I do love me ketchup!”  she replied, “loads of it!”

Abi giggled. “We can see that!”

“Who wants a chip then?”

Nikki turned her nose up again. “Nah, you’re alright.”

“No cheers Bex,” said Gemma, who didn’t want to look bloated for the night.

Becky didn’t care about those sort of things. She hungrily devoured the burger and all of the chips in about five minutes, even though they were piping hot and kept burning her mouth.  It was comical to watch, as she stabbed into a load of chips and gunk with her plastic fork and blew on them before quickly shoving them in.
“Argh!” she grumbled, about four or five times, as she felt a bit more skin being burnt off the roof of her mouth.

“Feel better for that Bex?” asked Abi, taking one of the serviettes off the table and offering it to Becky.

“Yeah, that’s right set me oop that ‘as!  I can drink fer England now!”

Gemma looked at her watch. It was just coming up to half 11.  “Better go, ‘ope there ain’t a massive queue.”

“Can’t you get thingie to get us VIP side?” asked Nikki.

“No babe, didn’t ‘ave time to sort it.”

“Great” muttered Nikki under her breath. She folded her arms across her chest. “So we gotta queue with the minions then?”

“Yep. Sorry babe.”

The four of them stepped out of the kebab shop and made their way down the road towards Roxy’s.

“Oh look, queue ain’t too bad” said Gemma.

They headed towards the back of the queue and got scoured up and down by a group of young girls dressed in similar tarty clubbing outfits. Nikki looked right down her nose back at them and Abi stared at one of them who had identical hair extensions to her.

The queue moved along quickly and the girls got into the club in no time. They headed up the crimson carpeted stairs towards VIP and were stopped at the black double doors by a stocky security guard with a thick neck.

“Cards please ladies” he said politely.

“Ain’t got cards” said Gemma, “we’re wiv Aaron West.”

“You can’t come in VIP without cards ladies” he replied firmly.

Nikki looked horrified.  Becky looked mortified. Abi looked misidentified. All eyes were on Gemma.

She looked around at all their expectant faces. “I’ll call ‘im.”

Gemma strutted over to the top of the stairs where it was quieter and dialled Aaron on her mobile phone.  He didn’t answer.  So she rang again, three times, and he finally answered.  She couldn’t hear him and he couldn’t hear her, he was obviously in the club already.

She sent a text message to him:  can u get us in? the geezer sed we can’t come in as we aint got no cards. we’re outside vip by black doors x

She turned to look at the girls who were all waiting expectantly.  She shrugged then looked back at her phone, hoping for a quick response from Aaron.

She walked back over to the girls. “I ‘ad to text as ‘e couldn’t ‘ear me when I called. Reckon ‘e’ll be out to get us in a mo.”

“Can you stand back please ladies” said the security guard, as a glamourous young couple approached the double doors.  It was a reality TV couple that the girls recognised straight away.  The security guard opened the door and made way for their entry into VIP.

“Heeeey! They don’t ‘ave cards!” boomed Becky, staring after them in horror.

Nikki scowled. “Yeah, well if we were pathetic fame-hunting mugs like those two, we wouldn’t need cards either.”

Gemma’s blood started to boil. She felt frustrated that Aaron hadn’t got back to her and embarrassed that the four of them had to wait outside like low class citizens.

Ten minutes went by, and still Aaron didn’t text or show his face.  Gemma decided to text him again:
we r waitin outside black doors can u come get us x

The girls continued to play the waiting game for another ten minutes. Becky was getting progressively flouncy; Abi was awkwardly twiddling her hair between her fingers; Nikki was turning into moaning minnie, and Gemma was becoming quite potty mouthed.

“Fuck sake” she kept growling.

Finally, the door opened and a rather harassed-looking Aaron appeared. The girls had been waiting almost half an hour. He mumbled a few words to the security guard and the guard then held the door open for the four girls to pass through.

“Back booth” said Aaron, pointing across the room. He then disappeared through the double doors and marched towards the gents toilets. He left the girls standing on their spot, a bit shell-shocked.  They looked at one another.

“Let’s not stand here like twats then!” uttered Nikki impatiently. She grabbed Gemma’s hand, and Gemma grabbed Becky’s hand, and Becky grabbed Abi’s hand. Linked up like a daisy chain, the four of them meandered through the guys and girls on the dancefloor and arrived at the back booth.

The booth was rammed with bodies, some very fit looking male specimens and some very well groomed girls, all legs and cleavage. 
They recognised one of the girls, she was a well known official WAG, there with her footballer fiancĂ© and a bitchy-looking girl friend. Her fiancĂ© was one of Aaron West’s team mates; a few years older, and neither as tall nor as good-looking as Aaron.

The other girls in the booth appeared to be typical “wannabe WAGs.”  One or two of them could even have been “secret WAGs.

Gemma and her friends stood in front of the booth like spare parts, waiting for Aaron to come back and get them some drinks. Nikki started dancing so as not to look such a tool, and one by one the other three girls followed suit and started swaying about to the music.

Becky leant in towards Gemma.  “I’m thirsteh!” she bellowed.

“Aaron be back in a min” replied Gemma.

She looked back into the booth to see who she recognised.  Had Leila have been there, she would have named every player in the booth, of which there were seven. Three first team members and four young reserve players.

The official WAG pushed her way out of the booth and looked at the girls like they were something she’d stepped in.  Her equally snotty friend followed her out and the two of them waltzed across the dancefloor and out of sight...

Winners and Sinners will be released as paperback and ebook in 2012.... watch this space!

If you've not read the first in the It's a Girl's Game series, which is called Blowing the Whistle, head on over to for more information and how to purchase!


  1. I love it, Victoria, and I eagerly await its release!

    BIG HUGS ♡

  2. Many thanks Kristina! I am, too!

    Love and best wishes xx
