Wednesday 3 November 2010

“How much does it cost to get in?” asked Sammi, peering over at the desk.

“I don’t pay” he said, “follow me.”

Sammi did as she was told and followed Aaron up a flight of crimson carpeted stairs. She looked around and saw her reflection from all angles. Aaron paused on the top step, leant towards one the mirrors and checked out his spiky hair. He looked hot and he knew it.

The pretty blonde tottered up the last few steps in her killer heels and smiled as she caught up with the young Footballer.

“Looks nice here!” she said, dithering on the top step and casting her eyes around to locate the ladies toilets.

“Bogs over there” said Aaron, as if he’d just read her mind. He pointed towards a pair of black shiny fire doors. “Through them doors.”

“Ah OK” she said, “I’m just going to the ladies. Where should I meet you?”

Aaron looked over towards another set of black double doors, which were the entrance to the VIP floor.

“I’ll wait 'ere. Don’t be long.”

He slapped her bottom hard as she started to walk off. She squealed and spun around, looking him straight in the face. She started giggling, he broke a half smile, and suddenly reached out to grab her arm.

“Come 'ere kiss me” he said, looking at her like she was Aphrodite.

Still giggling, she stepped closer to him. He put his arms around her and pulled her roughly towards him. He started kissing her in hot and passionate way, squeezing her bottom, one cheek in each hand.

“See what ya done?” he said as he pressed his hard-on into her hip. “You sexy bitch.”

Sammi giggled again and then looked down the stairs as a group of lads caught her eye. “Not here!”

“I do what I want babe” he said, shrugging as though he didn't give a toss. “Go to the pisser then. Meet me 'ere.”

Aaron marched off towards the gents toilets leaving Sammi stood on the top step. She smiled nervously at the group of lads as they approached. They were all checking her out, grinning, looking her up and down.

“Nice legs!” said one of them, giving her a silly wink.

Sammi turned quickly and made for the toilets, but stumbled and twisted her ankle in the same clumsy way she did, almost every day. She cringed as it was obvious the lads had witnessed her mishap and they were chuckling amongst each other like a pack of drunken hyenas.

“Shit!” she muttered to herself, “why do I wear these stupid high heels?!”

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